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تحميل كتاب Fundamentals of Massive MIMO PDF 

مهندس اتصالات, هندسه اتصالات, كتب هندسيه, مراجع هندسه اتصالات, كتب هندسه اتصالات,مدونه مهندس اتصالات, telecom engineer

نقدم لكم كتاب Fundamentals of Massive MIMO PDF  باللغه الانجليزيه  ضمن مجموعه "كتب" مهمه في مجال "Communicationsعلي مدونه "مهندس اتصالات".

محتويات الكتاب |  Contents

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Models and Preliminaries
  • 3 Single-Cell Systems
  • 4 Multi-Cell Systems
  • 5 Power Control Principles
  • 6 Case Studies
  • 7 The Massive MIMO Propagation Channel
  • 8 Final Notes and Future Directions

مقدمه | Preface

There are three timeless truths in the field of wireless communications
Demand for wireless throughput, both mobile and fixed, will always increase.
The quantity of available electromagnetic spectrum will never increase, and the most desirable frequency bands that can propagate into buildings and around obstacles and that are unaffected by weather constitute only a small fraction of the entire spectrum.
Communication theorists and engineers will always be pressured to invent or to discover breakthrough technologies that provide higher spectral efficiency.
Given the history of more than a century of wireless innovation, we must look to the physical layer for breakthrough technologies. The central assertion of this book is that Massive MIMO constitutes a breakthrough technology. It is a scalable technology whereby large numbers of terminals simultaneously communicate through the entire allocated frequency spectrum. What enables this aggressive multiplexing is, first, an excess number of service antennas compared with terminals, and, second, performing the multiplexing and de-multiplexing based on measured propagation characteristics rather than on assumed propagation characteristics. A disproportionate number of service antennas compared with active terminals makes it likely that the propagation channels are conducive to successful multiplexing, and basing the multiplexing on direct channel measurements makes the antenna array tolerances independent of the number of antennas. The activity of growing the number of antennas relative to the number of active terminals renders the simplest types .
This book should appeal to three classes of readers. Wireless engineers will find a clear exposition of the principles of Massive MIMO that uses only elementary communication theory and statistical signal processing. While exhaustive end-to-end system simulations may be employed for detailed system performance analyses, and possibly for engineering designs, our capacity-bound approach is likely to see extensive use because of its speed and simplicity, the insight that it gives into the interaction of system parameters, and as an independent check on simulations. Researchers who are devising advanced Massive MIMO techniques and algorithms can use baseline performance measures, embodied in our capacity bounds, to quantify performance improvements versus implementation complexity. For the student, this book should be an ideal vehicle for learning how to translate basic information theory, and communication and signal processing principles, into the analysis of complicated communication systems.

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